Loving God,
Who dotes on us with a boundless love
that gives human parenting ideal meaning and depth–
on this day that our nation pauses to recognize
the mothers and grandmothers in our midst:
We thank you for the love of the mothers you have given us,
and for those who are fortunate to maintain nurturing bonds
with their mothers, we are so grateful.
May we see your loving hand behind them and strengthening them,
as we celebrate them in our lives.
Thank you for their care, their compassion, their abiding love.
We also acknowledge that this day carries complex feelings for so many:
We pray for those who are strained in their relationships
with their mothers, with their children,
asking that your heart nonetheless gift us all
with love and hope for understanding and for peace.
We pray this day particularly for new mothers,
coming to terms with new responsibility;
for expectant mothers, wondering and waiting;
for mothers who are tired, stressed or depressed;
for those who struggle to balance the tasks of work and family;
for mothers who are unable to feed their children
due to poverty;
for those whose children
have physical, mental or emotional disabilities;
for mothers who raise children on their own;
for those who never wanted to be mothers,
and who struggle with the responsibility
for mothers who have entrusted others
to raise their children in their stead,
and for adoptive parents who raise children as their own offspring.
we pray for those who have lost a child,
before birth or after;
and for those whose children have left home;
We pray today for those whose desire
to be a mother has not been fulfilled, and may never be
and for those who provide care to others in many different ways,
those who are like mothers unto us and to our loved ones.
Bless all mothers, caring God, that their love may be deep and tender,
and that they may lead their children to know and do what is good,
living not for themselves alone, but for God and for others, for the common good.
Bless all who have chosen not to be mothers,
for whom the expectation to be a mother sometimes is overwhelming,
but who offer grace and community and care to us through so many other good gifts.
We ask you to bless all mothers everywhere with your own special love,
as you guide all of us with your gentle care.
We ask this Prayer in the name of Jesus, our brother.
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